Home Business Insights & Advice Pros and cons to online learning for businesses

Pros and cons to online learning for businesses

by Sponsored Content
14th Apr 21 9:29 am

To continue to progress in business you need to be learning all the time. Whilst you will be learning at your workplace, taking extra training courses can help to speed up your career.

With many businesses turning into full-time remote companies and some part-time, online learning courses have become necessary. This is still an industry that is going through rapid changes, so there are, of course, pros and cons. We’re going to look at what these advantages and disadvantages are.


Learn from anywhere

The first pro to online learning is the fact that you can learn from anywhere. All you have to do is join the online conference call and you’re able to learn directly from an instructor. This can be in a group or even one-to-one learning, the latter being more expensive. As long as you have an internet connection, you can join the learning program from wherever you are, anywhere in the world.

Available to anyone

This next one pro follows on from learning from anywhere. Online learning makes it possible for people from any country to now attend courses in countries with higher training education.

This is especially beneficial for businesses that have employees in many locations. Instead of having to organise two or more local courses, online learning can be attended by everyone whether they’re based in London or Los Angeles.

More affordable

Another advantage to online learning courses is the fact that they are generally cheaper than in-person courses. Due to fewer overheads and no travel fares, businesses can save money by employees undertaking online courses. The fact they are more affordable allows people to pay for courses themselves. This is beneficial in the scenario that you want to change your profession, but your current company won’t pay for a course outside of your jobs remit.

Also, as we mentioned above, employees from anywhere in the world can attend so you might be able to get a better price for multiple bookings.


Not as intimate

Now, time to look at the cons of online learning. Firstly, it’s arguable that the courses aren’t as personable as in-person training. It can be harder to build the same rapport with people involved via an online learning course.

Overall, there’s a slight lack of interaction when compared to in-person courses. This is why many businesses still like to continue for their staff to attend training courses in person. Luckily some businesses offer both online and in-person training so you can pick which is most suitable for which members of staff. Development Academy training in London and Guildford is one of these providers that offer both options. Though, we know that there will still be some students that would prefer online learning because it suits their personality better.

Fewer course options

Another disadvantage is that there are fewer online courses compared to those offered in person. You might have your heart set on a course, but find that it’s only offered at a training centre. This is something that will probably change with time, as online learning becomes more popular. You can speak to the training provider to see if the in-person course can also be offered online, but without other attendees, the price would likely be high.


This next disadvantage is probably going to change as online learning becomes more normal. Some employers might be biased towards courses completed at a training centre over online learning. This is why it’s important to find a reputable training provider that is certified in the courses that you are undertaking.

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